Psalm 66, vs. 1-4, Make a joyful noise, choir and orchestra
” Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands. Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.”
MP3 format with embedded lyrics (biblical text). Song duration is 4:06.
London Voices and the London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Ayres
Music by David Albracht
Choir & Orchestra Arrangement by Paul Ayres
Assistance provided by Terry Edwards
and Ben Parry, co-directors of London Voices
Recording and Mixing Engineering by Lewis Jones
Protools Engineered by Jason
Mastered by Simon Gibson
Recorded in Studio 1, Abbey Road
Album cover: James, Jennylynd. Make a Joyful Noise. 2015. Painting. Acrylic on Canvas
Printed Sheet Music is available via JW Pepper.
Description Psalm 66, vs. 1-4, Make a joyful noise, is the first choir and full orchestra work that David Albracht commissioned for arrangement by Paul Ayres. The musical score was finished in early 2017, and was brought to the attention of the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) which expressed interest in recording the work. This eventually led to the recording session at Abbey Road on May 15th, 2018. The chords and melodies for this song were composed by David in 1996 while attending recording school in Chillicothe, Ohio. A Christian-contemporary version of the song was recorded and released on the Psalmody album in 2001. Later that year, David arranged a SATB score of the song which was presented at a church psalm festival. He had long hoped that the song could be arranged and recorded for choir and full orchestra, which became realized with the work of Paul Ayres. At the time of the original composition in 1996, David could hear in his mind a large choir singing the melody that is in this recording.

C.H. Spurgeon's Comments on Psalm 66, vs. 1-4
Verse 1. Make a joyful noise unto God. “In Zion, “where the more instructed saints were accustomed to profound meditation, the song was silent unto God, and was accepted of him; but in the great popular assemblies a joyful noise was more appropriate and natural, and it would be equally acceptable. If praise is to be wide spread, it must be vocal; exulting sounds stir the soul and cause a sacred contagion of thanksgiving. Composers of tunes for the congregation should see to it that their airs are cheerful; we need not so much noise, as joyful noise. God is to be praised with the voice, and the heart should go therewith in holy exultation. All praise from all nations should be rendered unto the Lord. Happy the day when no shouts shall be presented to Juggernaut or Boodh, but all the earth shall adore the Creator thereof. All ye lands. Ye heathen nations, ye who have not known Jehovah hitherto, with one consent let the whole earth rejoice before God. The languages of the lands are many, but their praises should be one, addressed to one only God.
Verse 2. Sing forth the honour of his name. The noise is to be modulated with tune and time, and fashioned into singing, for we adore the God of order and harmony. The honour of God should be our subject, and to honour him our object when we sing. To give glory to God is but to restore to him his own. It is our glory to be able to give God glory; and all our true glory should be ascribed unto God, for it is his glory. “All worship be to God only, “should be the motto of all true believers. The name, nature, and person of God are worthy of the highest honour. Make his praise glorious. Let not his praise be mean and grovelling: let it arise with grandeur and solemnity before him. The pomp of the ancient festivals is not to be imitated by us, under this dispensation of the Spirit, but we are to throw so much of heart and holy reverence into all our worship that it shall be the best we can render. Heart worship and spiritual joy render praise more glorious than vestments, incense, and music could do.
Verse 3. Say unto God. Turn all your praises to him. Devotion, unless it be resolutely directed to the Lord, is no better than whistling to the wind. How terrible art thou in thy works. The mind is usually first arrested by those attributes which cause fear and trembling; and, even when the heart has come to love God, and rest in him, there is an increase of worship when the soul is awed by an extraordinary display of the more dreadful of the divine characteristics. Looking upon the convulsions which have shaken continents, the hurricanes which have devastated nations, the plagues which have desolated cities, and other great and amazing displays of divine working, men may well say: How terrible art thou in thy works. Till we see God in Christ, the terrible predominates in all our apprehensions of him. Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee; but, as the Hebrew clearly intimates, it will be a forced and false submission. Power brings a man to his knee, but love alone wins his heart. Pharaoh said he would let Israel go, but he lied unto God; he submitted in word but not in deed. Tens of thousands, both in earth and hell, are rendering this constrained homage to the Almighty; they only submit because they cannot do otherwise; it is not their loyalty, but his power, which keeps them subjects of his boundless dominion.
Verse 4. All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee. All men must even now prostrate themselves before thee, but a time will come when they shall do this cheerfully; to the worship of fear shall be added the singing of love. What a change shall have taken place when singing shall displace sighing, and music shall thrust out misery! They shall sing to thy name. The nature and works of God will be the theme of earth’s universal song, and he himself shall be the object of the joyful adoration of our emancipated race. Acceptable worship not only praises God as the mysterious Lord, but it is rendered fragrant by some measure of knowledge of his name or character. God would not be worshipped as an unknown God, nor have it said of his people, “Ye worship ye know not what.” May the knowledge of the Lord soon cover the earth, that so the universality of intelligent worship may be possible: such a consummation was evidently expected by the writer of this Psalm; and, indeed, throughout all Old Testament writings, there are intimations of the future general spread of the worship of God.